Part 2
It was always believed that it was customary to come for the expensive games from Sony , Microsoft , Electronic Arts , Ubisoft And others like them. But the further, the stronger the situation changes. Games from small and independent studios are becoming more noticeable. This also applies to consoles: this year, almost half of the area of the stands of Sony and Microsoft was occupied by indie.
Interesting and promising things a lot was discovered. We managed to play something in something, to look at something But telling everything for one entry is an unbearable task, so for this material we selected a dozen projects that sunk into our souls stronger than all.
No Man’s Sky
[[Videoid_12986]] no_desc [[/videoid_12986]]No Man’s Sky made a small studio Hello Games stars E3. The developers did not bring anything with them except a couple of trailers about spacecraft and mysterious planets, but that was enough for everyone to suddenly feel good.
Although if you abstract from beautiful moving pictures and a bit to reflect on the intentions of the developers, the grounds for skepticism will be visible. Endless space with millions of dissimilar planets and billions of species inhabiting them have already tried to do before Hello Games. Remember SPORE? Remember how quickly it was bored to explore and master the planet generated by the computer? This is the same thing can happen to No Man’s Sky.
Until now, the procedural generation of worlds worked without failures only in very specific games. Firstly, where the creative component is very strong, at least even in Minecraft. Secondly, in the abstract "cuckolds" and the sympathetic to them: Stone Soup, Nethack , things like Don’t Starve. They sacrificed graphics in favor of the abundance of content and gave visualization to the capacity of the imagination. Finally, there are games where the procedure is purely nominal – like in Diablo.
However, No Man’s Sky does not fall into any of these categories. Hello Games intends to create an unlimited and infinitely interesting universe – such that from the sight of every “random” planet is breathtaking and that you can find everywhere what to take yourself.
The application is serious, but I want to believe that No Man’s Sky will succeed. Eyewitnesses argue that the creators already have a working engine and powerful tools: for example, a modular generator of living creatures, ideologically very similar to the editor from Spore. That is, Hello Games has already come beyond most predecessors who promised space without borders. Where are those predecessors now? Gone.
And Hello Games does everything and do everything. Now, when the attention of millions is riveted to them, it has become even more likely that they will bring the work to the end … If their office does not flood again.
► There will be no obvious border between the planetary surface and the cosmos – on your ship you can go through the atmosphere without any downloads and go into outer space. ► Although the world in No Man’s Sky is one for everyone, the developers claim that this will not be MMO. They intentionally strive to scatter the players as far as possible along different corners of the universe.
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
[[Videoid_12665]] no_desc [[/videoid_12665]]Before the release of a new game from a talented thrash-dour Dennaton Games There is nothing left left – the release is indicated by the vague “Third Quarter of 2014”, but this is in any case soon. Almost everything that is worth seeing, the developers have already shown, because the creators on E3 Hotline Miami 2 Demonstrated the level editor.
In the parking lot removed by the publisher Devolver Digital , There were trailers with games posters. Inside of one of them, the artist Dennis Wedin (since we saw him for the last time, he released a gorgeous beard) talked about the editor's work. As expected, there is nothing supernatural in it: everything is simple and functional. Drawing walls, arranging scenery and opponents in appearance was no more difficult than drawing in Paint. They say that with this tools you can create a full -fledged story campaign and call it … say, Hotline Miami 3. Dennaton will close the series with the second part, but do not mind if someone continues to work for them.
In case you did not follow the Hotline Miami 2, we recall: in the sequel there will be several main storylines. One of them unfolds parallel to the history of the original, and we play in it for the followers of the first protagonist, the same hunters in animal masks. There are five of them in total: Kory in a mascot of zebra knows how to enter the houses through the windows and roll, the tiger Tony does not use weapons, but kills from one blow, the bear Mark can shoot from a pair of machine guns, spreading his hands to the sides. The latter – swans Alex and Ash – brother and sister and always go together. One uses a firearm, the other drags a chainsaw with it, and you will have to control both at the same time.
Another storyline tells about the detective following the trail of the killers – he behaves in much the same way as the heroes of the first part. And the last story is dedicated to filming the film based on the adventures of a maniac in a mask. Which is generally not a maniac, but an antihero, but to filmmakers, as always, do not care.
Dennaton promise that history will still lead us by the nose and leave freedom for interpretation. Nothing new here – so it is necessary.
► Antherler in a bear mask will teach you what you have long wanted to shoot with two hands! ► artist Dennis Waddin claims that each character will have his own motives – difficult enough for their outlook on life to differ fundamentally.
Not a hero
Not a hero In absentia nicknamed "Hotline Miami with a side view". Indeed, there is something in common. In Not a Hero, we also play for anti -heroes, sophisticatedly linning criminals with names like "Bogdan Nabatov". They also kill very quickly here
But not a hero is played in a completely different way. If in Miami everything solves reaction and accuracy, then the choice of position is more important here. Because not a hero is a shooter with shelters. Yes, shelters in a two -dimensional game, why not? By clicking on the button, we will force the hero to slip to the nearest box, border or doorway, due to which you can relatively safely shoot off. Comparatively-because there is almost certainly any type that will be able to smoke us from there.
Gradually we will open new heroes. The very first one, Steve, just runs and shoots, Rednek Cletus delicaciously shoots from a shotgun, but he has to recharge more often, and a certain Jesus can spectacularly shoot in the tackle. True, for this he was deprived of the opportunity to finish the bedridden. As usual, you have to pay for power.
And there are also catfombs. Run up, lazy, do meow!"And explode. It’s not that this is very important information, but it seems to us that you should know about it.
► And all this – to help the violet rabbit win the elections. Do not ask.
The Talos Principle
[[Videoid_13085]] no_desc [[/videoid_13085]]The Talos Principle Strongly stood out against the background of everything that was brought with them Devolver. Among the parodies, a fervent trash and hardcore shooters, a “philosophical puzzle with a first -person view” was suddenly closed.
The Talos Principle reminds its "philosophicality" and "puzzling" The Witness From Jonathan Blow. You are a robot that wanders around the islands and solves spatial puzzles to achieve something. You decide where to go and what to do. A voice broadcasts from the sky – to obey him or not? As you wish.
The Talos Principle is interesting primarily what makes her Croatian Croteam , Which for the first time in many years took up something completely unlike bloody shooters about a serious Sam. The writer helps them Tom Jubert , responsible for the delightful cosmic mystery The Swapper And the forerunner of Amnesia – series Penumbra.
► puzzles with impenetrable screens, puzzles with lasers, turrets and relayers – all this was in the demo, but they will not be limited to them in any case.
Titan Souls
The last project from the Devolver trailer park, which I really want to talk about, is almost the best and exactly the most unexpected. The prototype of the game with a stunning name in its conjunctionity Titan Souls appeared as a result of the twenty -eighth competition Ludum Dare. Soon they decided to make a full -fledged work out of it.
Team ACID NERVE seeks to combine two wonderful things: Dark Souls And Shadow of the Colossus. From the first Titan Souls, there was a merciless, but honest complexity, from the second – the structure of the gameplay, which consists entirely of hunting for bosses. And from both at once – a craving for search and research, open peace and freedom of interpretation.
Along the way, elements of other games are mixed up for all this. For example, TowerFall: as there, the only weapon in Titan Souls is an arrow that has to be selected after each shot. And besides shooting, we know how to run and roll. All. This is enough.
In half an hour, Gurt Foreign Journalists and I, jointly, managed to defeat three (out of twenty) bosses. Stalled on the fourth – a stone colossus covering his "Achilles heel" with a stone fist. To get to a vulnerable place, you had to dodge one blow and make the boss, changing his paw, open to a split second. During this time, you need to have time to stick an arrow in an unprotected heart. Did not have time – and most likely we were flattened by the next blow, I had to start again. Oh yes, we have not yet said that you are dying here from the first hit?
Bosses are really complex, but logical. To solve the patterns of their behavior in itself is terribly interesting, but no less pleasure – to realize a tactic composed on the basis of a pattern. Management at Titan Souls is incredibly responsive, the reaction is animated smoothly and smoothly – even at a tactile level this is a very pleasant game.
► Here we start our way. Behind the doors – the trinity of the bosses, which need to be defeated in any order in order to advance further.
Murasaki Baby
[[Videoid_11490]] no_desc [[/videoid_11490]]Of all the games in which we played on E3, this seemed almost the most strange. Look at the pictures. Baby is that thing with a large head and a wide smile on the forehead. To make her move, you need to literally lead her hand – with a finger, using the sensory screen PS vita.
On the way, there are constantly barriers that are supposed to overcome. Either the abyss, then the wind will smell, then something else is so terrible that even a sweet baby can scare even a sweet baby. In the hands of the baby a balloon; When she scares or, say, falls, the ball is lost, and without him she refuses to go further. It is necessary to solve the problem and hand the ball back – just the same, with a finger.
The back of the PS Vita touch panel is responsible for changing background landscapes. Everything is like the selection of terrible and sinister. One is just ser and gloomy, the other is green and with swaying tentacles, the third … In general, it is no better. On each background there are its own laws. On one, for example, the ball can turn into a stone and prevent a sharp gust of wind with the baby.
In fact, Murasaki Baby is a puzzle, but in shape – a bewitching pasta cartoon. She is very well drawn and plays well. All actions with sensory panels come out by themselves, intuitively – even though every time as a result of these manipulations, different things happen.
► The baby sat down in the boat and floats. So far, everything is fine. For now. ► Ball – a symbol of hope and will to life. Although, wait what I am about ..